Qt is one of the fastest growing development frameworks in the world, with hundreds of thousands of developers. Leading companies such as Alcatel-Lucent, AMD, Google, Oracle, Samsung, Siemens, Lucas Film Entertainment Company Ltd. and The European Space Agency use Qt to deliver leading applications across platforms.
Attending Qt Developer Days will ensure that you enhance your Qt development skills, get answers to your Qt questions and have the opportunity to build relationships with others who have selected Qt as their preferred development framework.
Attending Qt Developer Days will ensure that you enhance your Qt development skills, get answers to your Qt questions and have the opportunity to build relationships with others who have selected Qt as their preferred development framework.
San Francisco, California : du 2 au 4 novembre
Ecoomisez 200E/200$ si vous vous inscrivez avant le 1er Septembre pour Munich ou avant le 22 septembre 22 pour San Francisco.
Qui y va ? À quelle session ?